HC20 Multi-Tone Cotton Polo T-Shirts
Description: Our Multi-Tone Cotton Polo T-shirts is our alternative range of Polo Shirts with contrasting collar, cuff sleeves and also placket for the buttons. There is a wide variety for options for colours and designs as well.
- Material: 60% Cotton / 40% Polyester
- Weight: 230 g/m2
- Unisex Sizes: XS – 3XL
💡 The product information provided is based on best knowledge basis. If you do have any specific requirements, size or color, we recommend to check with our team first 😺.
⚠️ Size measurements are subjected to +/- 5% tolerance from the size chart.
💡 Size measurements are in inches or cm depending on product model.
💡 Some chest measurements are pit-to-pit, whereas some are around the whole chest.
(💡 Click image of recent project for more pictures!)